Volim svoj Grad & I Love my City

Volim svoj Grad & I Love my City is a Serbian group. Having alot of group type in Facebook: close, open and secret and it is a CLOSED group. Volim svoj Grad & I Love my City has 952 members. So it is a Small group. You can find this group by searching 1381799952049655 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. Last update is on 2015-01-10 22:49:04.

Dragi članovi grupe... objavljujte samo fotografije svojih gradova koje volite i koje ste posjetili... zabavni karakter što se samog grada tiće... ljude na ulici... razne događaje... zanimljivosti... NE PEJZAŽE.. ZALASKE SUNCA .. BRODOVE.. CVIJEĆE.. ŽIVOTINJE I ALBUME ...NIKAKO FOTKE SA NETA !!! I UZ MALI OPIS KRAJ SVAKE OBJAVLJENE FOTKE .. U KOJEM GRADU I ŠTO JE OBJAVLJENO NA FOTKI !!! Hvala vam na razumijevanju i nadam se da bude sve više i više lijepih naših i vaših gradova... Hvala vam !!! za sada neogranićen limit fotografija !!!

Dear group members,
please upload pictures of cities you live in or have visited only. This includes your city's culture, street entertainment and other festivities. Do not upload pictures of natural scenery, sunsets, boats, animals and ALBUMS close-ups of flowers and insects etc., only urban environments. We want this group to be a fun and informative place where people of similar interests can meet. Thank you for your understanding and we hope there will be alot more pictures of your beautiful cities in the future! For now unrestricted limit pictures !!!
Vaše Administratorice Mariana Bešker i Milenka Tatalovic !!