Whats Happening in Moundridge Kansas?

N/A is the main language of Whats Happening in Moundridge Kansas? facebook group. Having alot of group type in Facebook: close, open and secret and it is a CLOSED group. Whats Happening in Moundridge Kansas? has 726 members. So it is a Small group. You can find this group by searching 118025398218663 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. Last update is on 2015-04-16 21:55:31.

This page was created for the residents of Moundridge and anyone else in the surrounding areas interested in what goes on in our community. Staying informed is the best way to be an asset to your city. If you have events you want others to know about feel free to post them. We ask that problems with individuals or groups be dealt with in a different manner!

FYI - If your profile does not say where you currently reside, then your request to join will be denied. We are only adding people who currently reside in or around Moundridge, KS., or have a connection to the community.

ALSO- If you post or comment something that is negative about someone in our community it will be dealt with accordingly. We will remove people who refuse to understand what this group is about. No warnings will be given from this point on (1-15-13). If a comment is deemed inappropriate or negative by the current administration, you will be removed from the group and blocked from joining at a later date. Remember, this group is to PROMOTE the great community that we live in. If you have comments or concerns about this, please private message the current administrators. Thank you!