Vize descendants from Charles O'Donnell Vize & Mary Vize(Gilmore) of Dublin

Vize descendants from Charles O'Donnell Vize & Mary Vize(Gilmore) of Dublin is a English group. It is a CLOSED group. Vize descendants from Charles O'Donnell Vize & Mary Vize(Gilmore) of Dublin has 32 members. So people rank it like a Tiny group. 134327329976266 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. Last update is on 2015-02-18 15:27:09.

If you'd like to be an administrator or nominate one, please contact one of the administrators with your request. Each of the admin has been chosen at random and may opt out if they so wish. They are Colin Vize, John P Vize ( aka John E Bravo), Kathleen V Schoendorf (nee Vize), Ben Vize and William Vize.

Members and administrators can post to the group. Any member can add Vizes and family relatives, using their own discretion, but an admin must approve them. It is suggested that those new members who do not bear the Vize name be introduced by the member adding them.

Charles O'D & Mary Jane Vize hailed from Dublin, Ireland. This group was set up to enable and encourage their descendants to make and maintain contact. The group is open to all their descendants and their families, including both male and female spouses or partners, those sharing the Vize family name through 'adoption', official or otherwise. Stepchildren are also most welcome to join.

So far, we have made contact with our cousins in Ireland, the USA and around the UK. Ceud mìle fàilte to you all!