We Grew Up In Amsterdam, NY!

We Grew Up In Amsterdam, NY! is a English group. Having alot of group type in Facebook: close, open and secret and it is a CLOSED group. There are 465 participants in that group. So it is a Small group. You can find this group by searching 231661876938704 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-02-03 12:14:07.

"We Grew Up In Amsterdam, NY!" is a group of current and former Amsterdamians that believe in free speech and detest censorship.
Talk about what you like, no subject is taboo. If you get a reaction, don't be surprised!
"We" are all adults and please realize this is debate and no one is personally attacking you, but may be attacking your opinion. Please do not issue any death threats, death wishes or ill to anyone, that could get you bounced out.
The administrator cannot monitor the page if your posts can't be viewed. Blocking the administrator will get you removed from the group.
Have fun and enjoy!

Cindy L. Hewitt, administrator/founder