Medicinsk Humor Netværk / Medical Humour Network

Danish is the main language of Medicinsk Humor Netværk / Medical Humour Network facebook group. Having alot of group type in Facebook: close, open and secret and it is a CLOSED group. There are 1,133 participants in that group. So it is a Medium group. You can find this group by searching 305073375065 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. Last update is on 2015-01-15 12:40:11.

Bent Eikard
(Danish and english)

Det er intentionen med Medicinsk Humornetværk (MHN) at skabe kontakt og udveksling mellem interesserede med henblik på gensidig inspiration til stimulation af den enkeltes humoristiske sans.

Som deltagere i netværket inviteres ansatte i sundhedssektoren og andre sociale institutioner der har til formål at hjælpe nødstedte og forslåede medmennesker. Desuden patienter, klienter og deres pårørende – samt andre med hang til at færdes i humorens forunderlige verden og nyde godt af dens sundhedsfremmende og livsforlængende effekt.

Et aspekt af netværkets idégrundlag er også at udbrede kendskabet til forskning om humor. Og om muligt inspirere til at afstedkomme initiering af forskning om humorens medicinske anvendelsesmuligheder.

Humor er en alvorlig sag. Den er smertens legekammerat, som kan komme gråden i forkøbet. Indimellem med karske tiltag som galgenhumor og sort humor. En overlevelsesstrategi som både nødstedte og hjælpere kan gribe til med empati og glimt i øjet.

Medical Humour Network (MHN) is designed to bring joy and courage to people in disadvantaged situations as well as to their surroundings - and to encourage and stimulate the use of caring humor in the daily game. It is the intention to provide contact and exchange between interested people for mutual inspiration and stimulation of their sense of humor.

As network members are invited doctors, nurses, social workers and others devoted to help distressed and battered fellow human beings. Furthermore, are patients, clients and their relatives invited - beside others who wants to play in the strange world of humor and enjoy its health benefits and life-prolonging effect.

One aspect of the network's philosophy is also to disseminate good and scientific litterature on humor. And if possible, inspire to bring about the initiation of further research on humor for medical applications.

Humor is a serious matter. It is the playmate of pain which can come crying forestall. Sometimes maybe also by harsh measures like gallows humor and black humor. A survival strategy as both distressed people and caregivers can resort to with empathy and twinkle in the eye.