Taipei Civic Symphonic Band 台北市民管樂團 (TCSB)

Taipei Civic Symphonic Band 台北市民管樂團 (TCSB) is a Chinese group. Having alot of group type in Facebook: close, open and secret and it is a CLOSED group. There are 280 participants in that group. So people rank it like a Tiny group. You can find this group by searching 326212778365 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-02-26 11:32:36.

台北市市民管樂團為國內少見非公立、非財團、非特定教學或教育系統支持,全憑團員熱誠投入及票房維持之民間自組性業餘樂團。樂團於1999年組成,2000年立案成立;由台北市愛樂者自發並結合對管樂吹奏有經驗之市民,依照團員演奏程度區分三個交響管樂團及一個爵士樂團,並常設銅管,木管,打擊等室內樂團數個.固定成員為一百九十名,定期於國家音樂廳及其他地方舉辦一年四場以上之音樂會演出;樂團成員來自各行各業,為長年演出經驗兼具職業水準之社會人士,同時培養一般市民學習樂器、欣賞音樂,繼而將管樂當成終生的嗜好與興趣;樂團希望體現的是,音樂除了是一種專業,更進而能與生活結合,代表台北城市的活力與創意,以及展現臺灣民間高度藝術能量與生命。 市管官網

Taipei Civic Symphonic Band
Once on the fringes of the local classical scene, the Taipei Civic Symphonic Band (T.C.S.B.) was founded earlier at the year of 2000 officially credited by the Taipei City Government's Cultural Bureau as one of the city's principal Wind Ensembles.

Now a permanent fixture on the programs of many of the City Government's numerous public festivals, the ensemble's increasing popularity has been credited to its ability to draw on the musical talents of musicians of all ages.Children as young as 10 years old perform alongside the ensemble's core of semi-professional adult musicians. Which, according to a band spokesperson, makes the T.C.S.B. one of the regularly performing ensembles to double as a classroom.