International and Indonesian Friendship

International and Indonesian Friendship is a N/A group. It is a CLOSED group. There are 25,772 participants in that group. So it is a Gigantic group. You can find this group by searching 600195703435834 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-03-19 20:07:18.

This group is made to make friendship each other. You are free to join this group and have fun with us. You can also invite your friends to this group!

You can post anything you want, with English language to make the other understands. The post is like selfie photo, meme/ funny picture, asking questions each other, useful information, interesting place, social and culture, and many more.

But you're not allowed to post these in this group!!
ǂ Pornography, half-naked, disturbing picture, etc.
ǂ Autopost, autocomment, etc.
ǂ Spam link, untrusted website, any promotion, etc.
ǂ Debating about religion, politic, race, etc.
ǂ Raising topic that can make someone angry.
ǂ Talking with rude, sex oriented, disrespect, etc.
ǂ Sharing something without explanation and nonsense topic.
ǂ Claiming that yourself is a celebrity, athlete, singer, handsome/beautiful person etc. but actually you are not.

If you break the rules, your post or comment will be deleted automatically. If you're still doing that, you will be banned permanently!

If you see that there's something that is bothering you, tell it to the admins and we will do our best to fix what's bothering you.

Sincerely yours,

Admins IAIF.