Atheist Republic Masterminds

Atheist Republic Masterminds is a N/A group. It is a CLOSED group. There are 4,709 participants in that group. So it is a Medium group. You can find this group by searching 1486561938293785 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. 2015-03-20 19:08:42 is the closest date we have information about it.

First and foremost, please do not attempt to join this group if you believe in any sort of god. This is NOT a religious debate group. You will be banned if you attempt this.

This group is an extension to the Atheist Republic Closed Group but with a difference. Many of the people who are members of that group complain that it has too many immature and frivolous posts.

Do not block any admins.

1.This group is exclusively for non-believers in any gods (that's our functional definition of "atheist"). NO believers under ANY circumstances.

2. No trolling or baiting. No grammar Nazis - not everyone is English - that doesn't mean deliberately typing like an idiot to be cool is cool.

3. No bigoted (racist, homophobic, sexist, etc.) content. We decide what this is.

4. Any non-English content must have an accurate English translation with it.

5. No gory or violent content may be immediately viewable. If it is a picture, you may link to it with a warning, if it is a video, turn off auto-play and provide a warning.

6. No spamming.

7. No personal attacks or threats of harm.

8.Do not screen shot from here and post anywhere else without blanking out identifying features.

9. No drama on the front street. If it happened in another group/page/IRL, keep it there. Do not use people’s photos or content without their permission.

10. Do not report any posts to Facebook. There are admins to contact or tag if you have an issue.

11.Acting facetious about suicide or telling someone to kill themselves will get you banned.

12.No sexual harassment. People do not come here to get hit on.

13.All content must comply with Facebook's Terms of Service.

While any topic of conversation still goes, we're not going to put up with the following.

1. Copycat trend threads.
2. Threads that aren't for any sort of sensible discussion.
3. Like whoring or attention whoring. You do not need to announce your arrival.
4. Add me threads.
5. Threads that are basically "This makes me horny - does it make you horny?"
6. Post and run bait - don't post provocative stuff then not follow it up.
7. Posts that are just a silly picture or sharing of something you think is stupid on a religious web page. If you have a point to make about it, fair enough, but if all you want to say is "This is stupid," the main group is where you should post it.
8. Creepers.
9. Woo. Don't tell us we should believe in supernatural crap. This includes Karma.

This is not a democracy; it’s a tyranny. There is no free speech here – you do not have a right to an audience – you do not have freedom from the consequences of breaking rules.

This remains a group for atheists - not a group about atheism.

We may remove your posts and to ban you from the group if you fail to follow the rules. We may not even warn you.

Your tyrants are: Armin Navabi, Derrick Casey, Miguel Phosteur, Michael Gosselin, Allie Jackson, Willie Woodhauler, Jeff Powell.