Carindale Hub

Carindale Hub is a N/A group. It is a CLOSED group. Carindale Hub has 53 members. So people rank it like a Tiny group. 1521413071440517 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. 2015-04-22 22:18:04 is the closest date we have information about it.

The Carindale Hub is for residents in Carindale and surrounding suburbs to use for communication, connection and community issues.

The Carindale Hub is for residents of Carindale and surrounding suburbs to use for communication, connection and community issues. It is apolitical. It is not a search engine.

Posts are for local events, local charities and organizations, local businesses & local issues.

BASIC RULES: Keep it local; be respectful;
Do not block admins; do not defame any person or business.
Bullying, crude or insulting comments are not permitted

COMMUNITY FORUM: Posts are to be directly related to Carindale and surrounding suburbs.

LEGAL LIABILITY: Posts and pics naming or discrediting any person or business can be considered defamation under Queensland law. Any comments or posts the admins are concerned about will be deleted. Social media is NOT exempt from defamation laws. If people are asking for advice on businesses/services, consider a PM for specific feedback, especially negative! Carindale Hub does not want to stifle discussion, but is concerned for people's well-being. Thank you for your cooperation.