НПП "Голосіївський"/ The " Holosiyvsky " National Nature Park.

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Національний природний парк "Голосіївський" - це єдиний у Європі національний природний парк, розташований на території мегаполісу. Парк загальною площею 4525,52 га повністю знаходиться в межах м. Києва. Мальовничі озера, пишні ліси, вікові дуби та багато інших красот природи гостинно чекають на вас!
На цій сторінці ви зможете знайти не лише новини нашого парку, але й еконовини з усього світу, екорекламу, а також анонси найцікавіших екологічних заходів Києва та України.

The " Holosiyvsky " National Nature Park was established on 27th of August 2007 , under Presidential Decree № 794.
National Nature Park " Holosiyvsky " is situated in Holosiyvsky district of Kyiv.
Total area: 4525,52 hectares, including constant using of 1879.43 hectares.
The " Holosiyvsky " National Nature Park is a unique nature complex established in the city.
The park is located in the Kyiv hills, Dniester-Dnieper forest- steppe province, North-Dnieper lowland and steppe zone of Left-Bank Dnieper province.
Variety of landscapes, significant biodiversity, availability of hydrological objects and historical, cultural and ethnographic monuments defines a high importance of the conservation of the park’s area for the further development of science. A need to preserve the park’s heritage implies involvement of the necessary infrastructure for the monitoring of its ecosystems.
The main historical and cultural attractions are located in the national park and close to it are:
- Holy Trinity Monastery (Kitaevskaya desert with ancient caves), eighteenth and twentieth centuries;
- Holy Protection Monastery (Deserts Holosiivska), founded in the seventeenth century., Rebuilt in the late XX - early XXI century;
- Main Astronomical Observatory of NAS of Ukraine, part of the building which was built in 1841-1845, respectively;
- Complex of buildings Agricultural Academy (now the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences), built in 1925-1931 years
- A fragment of the Kiev fortified area (KyUR), huge fortification of length 85 km, which was built during 1929-1935 years. Fortified area covered Kyiv semicircles based flanks on the Dnieper River. In the south part of the bunkers was inscribed in the remains of the ancient "serpent shaft." The depth of the defensive zone - up to 5 km. All were built 217 Pillboxes. 7 of them are in national parks.