Pink and Blue

Pink and Blue is a English group. It is a CLOSED group. They attracted 13,793 members. So people rank it like a Huge group. You can find this group by searching 160238844039831 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-01-18 18:16:06.

PINK & BLUE Magazine Ltd.
Making Moms Fabulous & Dads Savvy

Join our forum on our website:


Ask us for our media kit, interested in advertising email us:

Pink and Blue forum connects mothers created for MOMS, to offer advice & to serve as a support network. You can ask questions, share stories, inform each other of local happenings.

Pink & Blue Magazine has become a trusted source for parents to turn to for advice from other parents and experts it is a free publication & was created as a way for busy moms and dads to connect with professionals and read everything from fashion to expert advice.

Contributors include award winning bloggers, parenting & beauty experts, Dr's, as well as every day parents.

All of the information given is strictly advice from other mothers. If you are seeking medical advice please consult a medical profession or docter.

We also ask that members do not slander other companies or they will be removed. Forum is not a venue for personal or private vendettas. This forum is not a venue for the resolution of personal disputes with members or companies.

(x) It is our sole discretion to decide what constitutes an advertisement.

(X) Membership will be terminated if you promote your blog , contest, or other FB group, or any other form of advertising.Third-party advertising is also prohibited.

Please keep your language clean and decent

We love your comments — but we're believers of respectful conversation, & aware that conversations online can quickly become catty & judgmental.

Creating a safe place for all members :
We reserve the right to delete or edit comments that are:

self-promotional- which includes advertising

Disagree with others please just be constructive & do it without disrespecting others.

Pink & Blue Magazine Ltd., group & its administrators, assumes no responsibility for any liability, damage, or injury that may be caused by a member's negligent or intentional acts or omissions committed prior to, during, or after giving or receiving any items or advice offered in this group, or for any liability, damage, or injury caused by the intentional or negligent acts or omissions of others, including Pink & Blue Magazine Ltd., businesses, advertisers and administrators of other Facebook groups through the group or private messages.

We understand that this policy won't be a good fit for everyone's communication style — and we respect that.

The admins do our best it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of the FB group, nor Pink & Blue Magazine Ltd. will be held responsible for the content of any message.

The owners of reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any content item for any reason.