Alice Cooper Army

Alice Cooper Army is a English group. It is a CLOSED group. Alice Cooper Army has 6,522 members. So people rank it like a Large group. You can find this group by searching 306033564723 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. 2015-02-28 01:22:03 is the closest date we have information about it.

GOAL ONE: fans having their own community were they can share videos, pictures and participate in segments such as trivia and song of the week. Humored chats peppered with bits of insanity, army jargon and silliness.

GOAL TWO: Recruiting members, converting fans and raising awareness of Cooper music and knowledge.

Group Rules :

1. This is a Alice Cooper group. Stick to the THEME . Past an current band members can be posted an talked about in here. NO SPAM!! ( I take great delight in deleting an banning you)

2. We have minions of ALL AGES.SO!Watch the Language. if you don't like that or can't deal with it then this isn't your kinda group.

3. BE NICE! not everyone will have the same opinion as you,if you don't like it that's OK,but be nice, ignore it or state your own point of view an walk away. Bullying will NOT be tolerated.

4. NO fan is better then another here.....We all love Alice's music,an we are all here to share stories,pictures an moments. ( art works such as cover bands,songs,art work ect. is allowed but please don't flood the page with it.)

5. HAVE FUN ... No other way of putting it,chat ,hob nob ,interact an make with the merry an the befriending of others. if you have a problem that's' what we as Admins are here for.Come to us an we will work very hard to do what ever we can to fix the issue at hand.

6. As I said earlier this page has minors,several Of them I know an talk regularly too. Anyone who try's interacting with a Minor in an inappropriate way will not only be banned but will get reported to FB as well as the minors Family an the Authorities.