Italian is the main language of EVOLUZIONE DOBERMANN facebook group. It is a CLOSED group. There are 3,283 participants in that group. So people rank it like a Medium group. 595013470620887 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. We last updated on 2015-02-06 22:14:09.

Il nostro gruppo si prefigge di la tutela e la diffusione della razza dobermann , la libera discussione e lo scambio di informazioni .
Il gruppo altresì vuole affratellare tutti gli amanti della razza dobermann e favorirne la conoscenza divulgando le foto più suggestive e belle.
Our group is aimed at the protection and dissemination of the breed Dobermans, free discussion and exchange of information.
The group also wants to bind all lovers of the breed Dobermans and encourage knowledge by

disseminating the most striking and beautiful photos.