Living with Emetophobia and Anxiety

Living with Emetophobia and Anxiety is a English group. It is a CLOSED group. There are 29 participants in that group. So it is a Tiny group. You can find this group by searching 700801176671255 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. Last update is on 2015-02-18 18:48:09.

This is a SAFE place to share your stories, ideas, resources, and questions- some of us are well versed on the subjects of Emetophobia and Anxiety, as we have dealt with one of both for years, others are just beginning their journey. This is a Judge-Free Zone :)

If you're new here, be sure to introduce yourself, and share a little about your situation, and why you wanted to join. Remember, we are all here because we suffer from one or both of these ailments, so don't be shy :)

Please share whatever moves you: Ideas for get togethers (if some of us live in close proximity), articles, events, questions... or just get some complaining off your chest if you need to ;)

Please take care to be sensitive in your posting and commenting. I can't think of an out-of-bounds subject, but be mindful that many of us have had our lives deeply affected by Emetophobia and/or Anxiety, and we all need to stick together and be kind to one another.

Some topics of discussion might include (but are not limited to):
-Personal fears
-How it affects our:
-family life
-social life

A Few Rules (here's where I'm the heavy ;)):
- I like to think of this group as a group of friends. As such:
- as stated earlier, this is a SAFE place to share ideas. We don't all have to agree but let's converse with respect.
- no selling- there are great fb pages for selling e.g. VarageSale- if you have a $1000 stroller that you want to gift someone in the group by all means let us know ;) but for general selling, please refer to other pages
- no business promoting- I will be adding an area in the "files" of the group for people who work at, or own a business that is relevant and helpful to people who suffer from Emetophobia/Anxiety. You can add your info there.
- no "please vote for me" posts

Posts and comments that do not observe our "Few Rules" will be deleted.

Any questions please feel free to pm me.

If you know anyone who lives with Emetophobia and/or Anxiey, please feel free to add them to this group!
***New members may be added by anyone, but must be approved by me. If you have added someone, and they haven't been added to the group within a 48 hour period, please PM me and I will get to it right away. :)

I sincerely hope that this group can become a place of support, love and comfort for everyone involved!

Jenn xo