Bent Creek HOA Indian Trail, NC

Bent Creek HOA Indian Trail, NC is a N/A group. Having alot of group type in Facebook: close, open and secret and it is a CLOSED group. Bent Creek HOA Indian Trail, NC has 187 members. So it is a Tiny group. You can find this group by searching 114814869247 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. 2015-03-06 12:34:33 is the closest date we have information about it.

Facebook Posting and Commenting Policies
This private FaceBook page exists in order to communicate items of interest of Bent Creek Homeowners Association. It was established and operates under the discretion of the Bent Creek Homeowners Association Board of Directors (Board). It is to be used to facilitate open discussion about topics concerning the daily interactions of neighbors of the Bent Creek community. The Board, which serves as proprietor, editor, and moderator offer the following guidelines for those who wish to have privileges on this page.

Becoming a Member:
This FaceBook page is a private site reserved only for adults (at least 18 years old) that either purchase or lease a property in the Bent Creek community. A request must be made and if there is no reply through the FB Private Messaging (PM) verifying they have read, understood, and will abide by the guidelines below, their request will not be approved. In that PM exchange there must also be verification of the physical home address of the requester.

Any and all who had privileges prior to 8/22/2013 at this site will not receive such PM as they already have been approved. However, all will be expected to abide by these guidelines.
1. Official Business vs Community Forum.

As stated above this page is for the exchange of information, community events, sharing of things, etc as it pertains to Bent Creek Community. No Board business will be conducted on this page. If a question, complaint, or issue needs to be addressed the board please send an email to:

2. Don’t Take/Make It Personal.

Personal attacks against an individual, group, or the Board will not be tolerated. Immediate revocation of site status can occur if the Board deems it to be that severe. If such occurs an immediate removal of the comment will result and serve as a warning. If it continues the entire comment stream will be removed and the violator’s privileges will be revoked. Because even lighthearted ribbing is too easily misinterpreted, please minimize such commentary.

3. Links

Links are accepted, but not recommend. All comments containing a link — even from previously approved commenter(s) –make it difficult to maintain the privacy of this page.

4. Just the Facts with Civility

Attempt to demonstrate knowledge of the difference between opinion and fact. It is not recommended to state opinion as fact. Please consider the tone and manner in which facts are presented – make every attempt to remain civil.

5. Age Limitations

While it is fun to have our children involved in our daily lives the Board Facebook page is not one of those places. The Board will not approve any person under the age of 18 to comment on this page.

The Board hopes you continue to participate in the discussions and do so in a way that reflects a desire to treat other people the way you desire to be treated. These simple guidelines will help maintain a useful, civil, and helpful FB page.