Ainsworth NE online yard sales

Ainsworth NE online yard sales is a N/A group. Having alot of group type in Facebook: close, open and secret and it is a CLOSED group. Ainsworth NE online yard sales has 3,174 members. So people rank it like a Medium group. You can find this group by searching 128148120613583 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-04-14 19:41:28.

Ok!!! We need some rules:
pretty basic no DRAMA.
Put pictures in Album and upload a discription at time of upload.. this stops the clutter on the page.
Delete your items after they have sold.
Please list prices of your items. This way it can be determined if people want to purchase the item or not.
Admin is not responsible for items that you purchase that are not in the condition you thought it was. Admin is not in charge of collecting money, or bad checks.
Please make sure you recieve your money before delivering to someone.. If you have paypal I would suggest using that.
Happy buying and selling!

Here are the direction on how to post an Album

This might help everyone out that doesn't know how to put pictures in a album!! Step 1 at the top go to (add photo/ video) step 2 (click on create album ) step 3 you will have a (browse button to click on ) step 4 browse your pictures that you want to post!! (as you add your pictures hold down your (Ctrl key and click on with the mouse of each picture you want in your album!! Then hit open and your pictures will upload!! When they are done loading then you can describe your item of each picture !! If you have any questions feel free to ask and we will be glad to help you!!
Also works easy if you post pictures in an album on your face book page and send them here.

Sellers Please in the future sellers please specify if you are willing to work with the buyer as far as pick up/payment etc. Please remember this is a garage sale site not all people are from the KBRB area. Buyer if you are not from the area please specifiy this when you post your interest. All sales are up to the seller as it is their items. PLEASE remember to treat each other with respect..

To be fair items need to be sold as listed ( if you still choose to sell it). Or relist it as an auction item giving all people the opportunity to bid on it. There will be a rule put in place that items cannot be sold as an auction item unless listed so in the description It’s not fair to the first person who said they wanted the to be undercut by someone offering more money if they were not given the option to rebid. As one of the administrators who have received complaints about this in the past and just want people to feel the site is ran fair.