Leon County Swap N' Shop

Leon County Swap N' Shop is a English group. It is a CLOSED group. There are 8,912 participants in that group. So it is a Large group. You can find this group by searching 133787130048662 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-01-30 19:08:04.

Leon County Texas Swap N' Shop is an closed group for individuals to post, sell, trade, buy items they have or would like to have. I am not against businesses posting, just keep in mind the main reason this site was created was for individuals to buy and sell items. Not to be a free advertisement system for business. If this is a problem, remove yourself from the group or let me know and I can do it for you. Please do not bump your adds over and over. People will review the adds listed and if they are interested in you item they will inquire and it will "bump" you add for you. Please follow all Federal and state laws when selling items. Admin does not accept responsibility for items, actions or things posted in this group. Please group multiple item picture (4 or more) in an album and note your comment that way please. If not your items will be removed and you will be deleted. Once you sell your items please delete your photos to help keep the site clean. Have a wonderful day! Admin.