Swip Swap Palatka Mancave

N/A is the main language of Swip Swap Palatka Mancave facebook group. Having alot of group type in Facebook: close, open and secret and it is a CLOSED group. There are 1,407 participants in that group. So people rank it like a Medium group. 1376970362552233 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. We last updated on 2015-03-06 03:26:09.

This group is strictly for MAN stuff only! Things such as tools, trucks, guns, hunting items, all terrain vehicles, outdoor items, etc… that is for sale or trade.

SELLERS- Item MUST have location and asking price, or what you would like to trade for in the MAIN DESCRIPTION of the item or your post WILL be removed! Please take the time to delete your post and photo or photos from the photo section once your item has sold. If you are unable to delete the post or photo please tag an administrator and advise that item is sold so that we may delete it. Any post or photos that are over 1 month old and are not active will be removed.

Any post deemed to be INAPPROPRIATE will be removed immediately and all users involved will be banned.

Absolutely NO posting of third party links, advertising any products, companies, or “opportunities”! Post will be removed immediately, with users being banned.

Animals will NOT be sold on this page without a health certificate. This must be listed in the main description. If not animal must be listed as free to good home. Florida law states that.

Group members are responsible for following all federal, state, and local laws pertaining to firearms. Please be aware of who you are selling a firearm to. DO NOT sell firearms to minors without parental consent. Any suspicious activity should be reported to the ATF immediately at 1-800-ATF-GUNS Any member thought to be selling stolen items will be banned and reported to the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office. Please report any stolen property to P.C.S.O. by calling (386) 329-0800 and contact an admin. VIOLATION OF THE RULES WILL RESULT IN BEING REMOVED AND BANNED FROM THE GROUP! IF YOU GET BANNED THERE ARE NO SECOND CHANCES! NO EXCEPTIONS!

We will not respond to messages as to why you got deleted from the group. Please help us monitor this page by reporting any post that may violate the rules. You can report post from your computer by clicking the down arrow in the upper right hand of the post (looks like a V) then clicking "Report to Admin" Unfortunately this is not available on mobile yet but I hope to see it soon! We (the admins) will NOT be held responsible for any purchase or delivery of the items sold in SWIP SWAP ManCave Palatka. Swip Swap ManCave Palatka, its moderators and administrators make no warranty as to any transaction generated between any parties resulting from exposure to the group's page. Thank You and Happy Swapping