詩情畫意[水墨-攝影-自然生態與藝術Painters and photographers exchange appreciation platform

N/A is the main language of 詩情畫意[水墨-攝影-自然生態與藝術Painters and photographers exchange appreciation platform facebook group. It is a CLOSED group. 詩情畫意[水墨-攝影-自然生態與藝術Painters and photographers exchange appreciation platform has 24,200 members. So people rank it like a Gigantic group. You can find this group by searching 1434691236823412 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. Last update is on 2017-01-23 17:51:54.

創立者 :本國際性社團2015/3/23由現代國畫的開創領導畫家--陳銘顯教授 Ming--... Hsien Chen( Wos Chen) 成立 ,他創立中華現代國畫研究學會 暨所屬8個畫會,提倡『筆墨、意境、現代精 神』三要素的現代國畫,將西方美學融入東方繪畫,為目前 中國大陸與台灣最具影響力,以及官方肯定的著名專業畫家。

成立宗旨:促進國際藝術交流,提倡自然生態與藝術結合,『外師造 化、中得心源』天人合一最高境界,推廣水墨、攝影藝 術。引導高品質的藝術素 養,開拓美的欣賞視野,並以藝交流,以藝會友。
成員對象:凡對國畫【水墨、彩墨、墨彩、重彩】、攝影、欣賞、 收藏…有興趣的國際人士。

陳銘顯教授 對國畫水墨藝壇貢獻如下..
6. 1980年,全中國第一位畫家製作個人作品保證書 ,並每年作品照相編號存檔,除個人反省長進,更為收藏者核證,匡正藝術收藏贋品假畫問題,促進藝術收藏正常化發展。
8. 被譽為『藝壇教父』,教授現代國畫創作,培育優秀畫家無數,並曾任教僑務委員會華裔中心,海外學生逾五千,遍佈世界各國,為真正桃李滿天下。

Community management: Contemporary Chinese Painting
Association President

Founded on March 23, 2015, by Professor Ming-Hsien Chen(Wos Chen), the leading painter creating contemporary Chinese painting and establishing Contemporary Chinese Painting Association plus 8 affiliated art associations. By integrating western aesthetics into eastern painting and promoting contemporary Chinese painting with 3 elements — ink, mood and modern spirit, Professor Chen is currently the most influential, best-known professional painter both in China and Taiwan.
Mission: The platform popularizes arts of ink painting and photography, promotes exchanges of international arts as well as advocates combination of natural ecology and art in order to reach the perfect state -- the oneness of heaven and human, by means of outer learning from nature, inner learning from heart.
Meanwhile, the platform leads lovers of art to high-quality artistic appreciation, broadens their horizons in beauty appreciation, encourages them to meet friends and to exchange works or concepts.
Membership: Those who are interested in Chinese painting(e.g., ink painting, colored-ink painting, ink-colored painting, heavy-color painting), photography, appreciation, collection, etc.
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(1) with political intentions
(2) against social conventions
(3) with advertising business purposes
(4) against reputation
(5) against copyright
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