Kuching Gunpla Builders (KCH.G.B)

Kuching Gunpla Builders (KCH.G.B) is a English group. It is a CLOSED group. Kuching Gunpla Builders (KCH.G.B) has 338 members. So it is a Small group. You can find this group by searching 1514064788830793 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. Last update is on 2015-02-25 19:57:35.

This is the place where you can share your works of gunpla, miniature modelling, diorama or any Pla-Mo related. All Malaysian, Sarawakian especially in Kuching City are all welcome to join our family as well. Let's share our hobby together, share our ideas, have fun together and don't forget join our events too!!

**English language, Malay language, Bahasa Sarawak *local are allowed
**Can do Sell/Trade
*no racism
*no trolling
*no bully
*no nudity or anything that related to18xx