Al Ain Expats Parents Group

Al Ain Expats Parents Group is a N/A group. It is a CLOSED group. They attracted 393 members. So people rank it like a Small group. 193302180775489 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. We last updated on 2015-03-02 14:44:28.

this is a support group for parents living in Al Ain. It serves to inform members about family related activities & groups currently in place.

The ethos of this group is respectful, non-judgemental, non-discriminatory connection with others. Posts that detract from our ethos will be removed. Please refrain from offering advice about parenting unless asked. When advising in these circumstances, please keep your comments specific to the question and do so respectfully and mindfully.

Feel free to post questions on the wall about living in Al Ain. People are more than happy to help and share their experience of expat living. There are no 'silly' questions :)

Advertising: If you have advertising relating to parents/kids or families please send your add directly to admin. To make life easier for admin, when sending us information, please include the following: Date, time, location, cost and include contact info so people can send their questions. To ensure parenting matters don’t get missed on this wall, please do not post adverts yourself; admin will do this for you. Please note, all other advertising is NOT ALLOWED on this page (i,e sales of toys, cars, services etc). It will be removed.

Please note: To ensure we maintain a secure group for all our members, before accepting requests. We will do this by sending a personal message. Please ensure your privacy settings allow us to message you and look in your "Other" message box. Further, if you select someone else to join the group, please inform them you are doing this so they know to expect our message.

Please familiarise yourself with the Files TAB at the top of the page. Lots of existing and documented information pertinent to living in Al Ain.

We understand not everyone will share these principles however in requesting to join this group you agree to adhere to the guidelines as described above.

Current Activities

Al Ain Under 6's Crafting
Location: Al Ain International School.

Active Kids - 2.5yrs -6yrs
Location: Al Ain International School

Al Ain Toddlers Book Club
Location: Al Ain International School

Al Ain Multiples - Twins Triplets & More

Al Ain Birth Network

Al Ain Bumps & Babes

Al Ain Nursing Mamas

Al Ain Expat -

Organic fresh produce to Al Ain (Delivers to Al Ain)

Al Ain Swap & Shop -

Al Ain Freecycle