
街角アートクラブ is a Japanese group. It is a CLOSED group. 街角アートクラブ has 317 members. So it is a Small group. You can find this group by searching 199622660151410 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-01-13 02:30:10.

Do you notice that we are surrounded by ‘Arts’ every day? For example, ‘Arts’ could be trees, flowers, sprouts, playgrounds, bulletin boards, frozen puddle, shoe traces, sky, roads, rust walls…anything.
Anything is fine. Share your awesome pictures with us!! We are really glad to have many members who LOVE photography! 1: We apologize that we will delete the name of people who have not posted any pictures since this January and who posted any inappropriate or abusive pictures. 2: Our rule is that you can post at most 5 pictures in a day. We are looking forward to seeing you and your amazing pictures!!
*管理者:栗林孝之、矢野 泰晴、油井 和幸