VIP I Love Pit Bulls Inner Circle

VIP I Love Pit Bulls Inner Circle is a N/A group. It is a CLOSED group. VIP I Love Pit Bulls Inner Circle has 0 members. So it is a Tiny group. You can find this group by searching 246605892208650 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. 2015-03-20 00:53:38 is the closest date we have information about it.

This is a group for people who love and want to share that love of Bull
Breed dogs. A place to post pictures, share stories, share information, ask
questions, have discussions, etc of any Bull Breed dog. We welcome all dogs from Purebred to Mutt/Mix and their owners. Our biggest threat as Bull

Breed owners is BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) which is a law aimed at
restricting or banning a dog based on breed type. We strive to educate with facts, correct information, and correct labeling.

We have a few simple rules:
- NO SPAMMING, these posts will be instantly deleted
- No Bashing, you may educate without insults.
- Please be open minded, there is a lot of misinformation out there about

our dogs.
- No death threats
- No rasist remarks
- No puppies for sale
- No studding adds
- Please No rescue posts at this time
- Absolutely No blocking of admins

• Post pictures of your doxie
• Find fellow doxie owners in your area
• Recommend veterinarians
• Post puppies for sale/trade

Above all Have Fun!

Tips: * If a post is offensive or inappropriate, please flag it to the
admins using the pull down menu located at the top right of every post
(Report/Mark as Spam). If the comment is embedded in a post, please PM an admin with the name of the poster so we can address it.

We do spend a lot of time in this group, but it is impossible for anyone to catch every single post in the moment it happens...this is the quickest way to get our attention and your help here is appreciated.

* If you are new to the group, utilize the search feature for questions
about common topics (located right under the cover photo on the far
right)...we have had some very "lively" discussions around such topics as
breeding, training, labeling etc...your question may have been answered.

*If you want to follow a post but have no comment, select "Get
Notifications" from the pull down on the top right of every post

*When adding a picture, either upload the picture directly from the V.I.P.
(Very Important Pitbulls) Inner Circle page, or be sure the privacy
settings on your picture are set for public or we won't be able to see.