China Bridge, Changsha 2009

China Bridge, Changsha 2009 is a N/A group. It is a CLOSED group. China Bridge, Changsha 2009 has 0 members. So people rank it like a Tiny group. 348173768642625 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. Last update is on 2015-04-01 13:48:57.

This Group has been created to consolidate and maintain the friendship that was established between the 250~ participants from 50~ different countries during the international Chinese speaking competition "China Bridge" 2009.

This is a very powerful group with great collaborative potential.
The forum may have the following functions (suggestions):

Focus: work together to enhance knowledge about China as well as awareness about the other countries and cultures represented in the group through Q&A and article sharing:

- Sharing of must-read or interesting/fun articles about Chinese society, culture, language etc.

- Possibility to ask questions if travelling to China or to any of the other countries represented in this group (could be travel recommendations, visa issues, transport, accommodation etc.).

- Any other discussions, thoughts, opinions and/or questions regarding China or any other countries represented in the group.
