Corryton/Gibbs/Halls Closet

Corryton/Gibbs/Halls Closet is a N/A group. It is a CLOSED group. There are 3,541 participants in that group. So people rank it like a Medium group. 349454011865070 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. We last updated on 2015-03-22 22:20:43.

First one to comment "SOLD" on the picture, is the one who gets the item. Other comments do not count, only "SOLD".
Do not keep reposting the same picture repeatedly, just keep bumping your previous one to the top until it sells.
Do not post items without a price on it, if we see a post with no price and the terms "make offer" or" OBO" without an actual figure with them, we WILL delete the post.
Delete sold items once they have been picked up.
We do not want home based businesses advertising on here please. We will give you a warning then we will remove you. Please have exact change when you go to pick up your item.
If your unable to meet up as planned please let the other party know, NO SHOWS, NO CALLS, AND BEING DISRESPECTFUL, will not be tolerated and will get you removed from the group immediately no warnings.
Meetings will be in Halls and/or Gibbs area.
Only 5 pictures will be allowed to be uploaded per person a day unless it is put into an album. Any posts over 5 will be deleted.
Thank you!!!
One other thing that has been brought to my attention is the time frame the seller needs to wait before moving onto the next buyer. I think a reasonable time frame is a couple of hours to arrange a meeting. We understand not everyone has smartphones and is not able to be at the computer for hours at a time and that is okay, just inform the seller that you will be in contact with them by a certain time and that will hold that item for you until that time, after that time if you have not contacted the seller, the seller may move on to the next buyer!