Blanchard area buy and sale

Blanchard area buy and sale is a N/A group. It is a CLOSED group. There are 4,187 participants in that group. So people rank it like a Medium group. 404971179562959 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. Last update is on 2015-03-22 07:01:54.

This is a positive up lifting place to post pictures, description, price of items. Please once you have sold an item delete your post. If you are
selling an item it's your responsibility to keep up with all posting.

This is basically a classified on fb. You can post wants, for sales (with or without pix), whatever. Just keep it clean! We are a christian group and there are minors on here as well. If you do not like someone's ad, please don't post negative comments. They will be deleted. Keep it nice and clean. Thanks!



1. To stop receiving emails: Go to the top of the page and click Notifications>Settings. Follow the directions to change your email preferences.

2. To view photos of what people are posting, go to the top of the page and click PHOTOS.

3. This is a CHRISTIAN based group, so please do NOT post any negative comments if you do not like someones's post, absolutely NO cussing on the site and please do NOT post anything of a suggestive nature. We DO have young people in this group. Please respect the users by keeping this rule. Otherwise, you will be deleted and BANNED.


1. Please post pix with your FOR SALE ads. People will ask you to anyway.

2. Please list as many details as possible when posting FOR SALE ads. People will ask you to anyway.

3. When your item sells, please remove your ad and pix so it cleans up the site and people wont continue to ask you about them.

4. When posting WANTED ads, once you have bought the item, please remove your ad.

5. When posting multiple pix, post them in an ALBUM so that therer aren't several postings for your items cluttering up the page. At the top of the page, click ADD PHOTO/VIDEO, then, CREATE PHOTO ALBUM, then you can upload multiple pix at once. To add pix later, go to your album, open it, then click ADD PHOTOS (or the +). Then add to your EXISTING album. Title it with your name so its easy to find.

6. When removing a photo, go to the top of the page and click PHOTOS, open your photo, then at the bottom left side of the page click REMOVE PHOTO.

7. When removing an ad, go to your ad, mouse over it until you see a grey X appear in the upper right hand corner of your ad. By clicking that, (if its your ad) you can then REMOVE POST.

8. Do NOT repost a pic or an ad. Duplicates will be deleted. If you want to bring your ad back to the top, then simply add a comment. It will automatically "bump" it back to the top. If thefre are no comments, it gets shuffled down the list.

9. Not following these TIPS & RULES will result in you or your ads being deleted.

10. If you can not do these things through your facebook app, try your phone's browser. If that doesn't work, WAIT UNTIL YOU CAN POST FROM A COMPUTER!!!!

Thank you for making this page a success!!!