OBX LOCALS ONLY (Virtual Yard Sale)

N/A is the main language of OBX LOCALS ONLY (Virtual Yard Sale) facebook group. It is a CLOSED group. They attracted 6,477 members. So it is a Large group. You can find this group by searching 430544857010288 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. Last update is on 2015-03-29 02:18:32.

If you are waiting an extended period of time to be added, your profile is probably private, or you look like a spammer. Shoot me an email, please.....

This site is run by common courtesy, not rules. Albums aren't mandatory, but please limit individual posts to 3-5 per day. People want to see variety. They also want their items seen. They don't want to come to the group page and see 1 person that posted a hundred items.

DELETE SOLD ITEMS, Don't just type sold under it. That drives everyone batty, including you, why do it to someone else?

Bump (Bring Up My Post- bringing your post to the top of the page because it got buried from the posts after your's.) BUMPING drives people nutso. If you have several items, bump your whole album, not each individual item. If you have individual posts, stick to the 3-5 suggestion. Please only bump every 24-36 hours. Again, people want variety. If you haven't sold the item after bumping it for years, your price is too high, or people just don't want it.

Communicate any problems or issues in Private Messages,or PMs. Any drama or bullying on the group wall will result in your being banned from all of my sites, and the sites that friends admin. (That's a lot)

Post a description on each item, location....and a PRICE. If you think someone may need measurements, post those, too. (And you're trying to sell an item that you want someone else to want. Don't say "I have this to get rid of." If it's junk to you, why would someone else want it?)

Occasionally, a spammer will slip through. In the upper right corner of their post, is a drop down box. There, you are able to report it to the admin. I'll remove them when I sign on next. If someone does you dirty, I keep track of that and I make sure they are removed from as many of the area sites that I control, or advise on. If drama is getting out of hand on a post, tag me and I'll handle it.

I want this to be a happy community site. Truly stress free. If you have a lost pet, or child, post it here. If you need area information, there's a few thousand people here to help. Ask advice, directions, whatever you need.

All of my sites are some of the largest in the area. They run themselves with very little effort....and rarely any drama. Let's be adults here and get good deals, while making a few bucks!