Neponset Valley Virtual Yard Sale

Neponset Valley Virtual Yard Sale is a N/A group. It is a CLOSED group. There are 191 participants in that group. So people rank it like a Tiny group. You can find this group by searching 461793900510160 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-03-08 00:13:37.

This group is for anything and everything that you want to sell - and buy!

Neponset Valley Virtual Yard Sale:

How to use this Group:

- Take a picture of your item for sale, post it on the group wall - include any necessary information in the description of the item/photo.

- If you are posting multiple items to the group wall, please CREATE ALBUMS (in the Add Photos/Video Menu) of the items for sale. You can also use a video if you choose to.

- Please wait 24 hours before bumping your posted items, albums, videos to the top of the group wall. Every time a comment is posted under an item, the post returns back to the top of the page.

-For this reason, we ask that you limit commenting under posted items. ***Try using private message, chat, phone, text, email, etc., to contact other group members. General conversation should not be used.

- YARD SALE CONTENT ONLY, no information about your business or others.

- Immediately REMOVE/DELETE any SOLD items from the group. Find your item in the ALBUMS/PHOTOS page, click on your item/photo, find Remove Photo below the picture, then click on that to delete.