All Trans*Guys Know Each Other

All Trans*Guys Know Each Other is a N/A group. Having alot of group type in Facebook: close, open and secret and it is a CLOSED group. There are 842 participants in that group. So people rank it like a Small group. You can find this group by searching 552489141526476 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. 2015-03-29 09:32:51 is the closest date we have information about it.

This group is private, it will not show your friends and family what you post here. It is also moderated, lightly, but if you have a question or concern, you'll probably get an answer back within a few hours. Also, it's trans*men only. But there are a lot of awesome groups available for SOFFAs, and I'd be happy to give you a recommendation if you need one.

Basic rules are:

1) Be civil. You may strongly disagree or hate someone else's point of view, but take it to private messages if you don't think you can remain polite.

2) This group is for transmen. Some transmen are masculine, some are feminine others are whatever they feel like at a given moment. There is enough room here for everyone without any "you aren't really a transguy if..." comments. That said, if you aren't a transguy then you really don't belong here, please go away. This group is *not* for chasers, there are plenty groups for that out there already. Also, not for trans women, but I'm happy to make recommendations for other groups.

3) Make friends on here, friend them. Then ask your friends if you pass. I hate to make this rule, but I know if I don't we will get flooded with "Do I pass?" posts. Also unnecessary, the chin picture with three hairs. Your friends will be excited for you. But for the sake of keeping the page moving, please don't post your first new hair pics here.

4) More rules if necessary. Please don't make it necessary.

It is necessary...

5) Sexism, racism, heterosexism, cissexism, ablism, size-ism... just "-isms" in general, aren't okay here. I don't care if every female friend you have uses "c*nt" or "b*tch" to describe a jackass. It's not allowed here. We'll give everyone the benefit of the doubt and ask you to edit first. If you don't, we'll have to delete the offending comment/post. There are plenty of insults/swears available in this language and several others that aren't triggering or denigrating to entire groups of people.

6) If you want to share screenshots of conversations you've had with other people, make sure you blur out their name/picture unless you have their permission to post it. This is for safety, because there are very few instances where doxxing (giving out personal information of someone to cause them grief) is going to work out in a positive manner. Share away! Just make sure to blur out the name and picture or other identifying information.

If you have any questions PM an admin.