Merauke Model Photography

English is the main language of Merauke Model Photography facebook group. Having alot of group type in Facebook: close, open and secret and it is a CLOSED group. There are 2,701 participants in that group. So people rank it like a Medium group. 575313572561015 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. 2015-02-13 14:27:18 is the closest date we have information about it.


Please work in the group:

- Post-Free (all concepts) can be on the album itself or in the wall, not pornography and sadism.

- Post Up to 5 photos per day

- Mutual sharing, learning, giving feedback.

- Photo is the work / own shots.

- Received comments and suggestions from members.

- No Advertising and Link

Thank you for your attention.

Greetings from the eastern tip of Indonesia Admin Izakod Bekai Izakod Kai (One Heart One Goal)


Silakan berkarya di dalam grup:

- Postingan Bebas (semua konsep) bisa di album sendiri atau di wall, tidak berbau pornografi dan sadisme.

- Postingan Maksimal 5 foto per hari

- Saling berbagi, belajar, memberi saran & kritik.

- Foto merupakan hasil karya/jepretan sendiri.

- Tidak diperbolehkan beriklan dan mengirim link/tautan.

- Foto yang dianggap melanggar aturan akan di delete.

- Member yang berulang kali melanggar aturan akan diremove dari grup tanpa pemberitahuan.

- diterima saran dan kritik dari member.

Terima Kasih atas Perhatiannya.

Salam Admin dari ujung timur Indonesia
Izakod Bekai Izakod Kai (Satu Hati Satu Tujuan)