The kidnappers true face. / kidnapperes sanne ansikt

The kidnappers true face. / kidnapperes sanne ansikt is a English group. It is a CLOSED group. The kidnappers true face. / kidnapperes sanne ansikt has 60 members. So it is a Tiny group. You can find this group by searching 626075517413905 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-01-14 20:30:12.

In this group, you can poste a picture of the kidnapper.
if it is a mom or dad who is behind the kidnapping, it
shall have no significance
all parents are treated equally.

If you want, you can write the name of the person who abducted the child / children, the
date when the child was gone.
The name and age of the child / children.
It can also be an idea to write the country children are abducted from and to which country, if you have that information. Maybe the hometown and country to the kidnapers.
The Hole idea behind this group is that when one or more children are being abducted the children is growing fast and changing much. And when the children is gone for several years, it can be hard to recognice them for strangers who are helping in the case.
Older people are easier to find because they does not change so much in years.

To get your pictures of the kidnappers or kids on this site, you have to send an confirmation from a policestation. You can send it to

I denne gruppen skal bilde av kidnapperen legges ut
om det er en mamma eller pappa som står bak kidnappingen
skal ikke ha noe betydning
alle foreldre skal behandles likt.
full navn på den som har bortført barnet/barna.
dato når barnet ble borte.
navn og alder på barnet / barna.
hvilket land baret/barna er bortført fra og til hvilket land
tanken bak denne gruppa er at når et eller flere barn blir bortført
er at et barn vokser fort og forandrer seg mye . enkelte bortføringer tar
flere år å finne barna.
voksne mennesker er lettere å finne å dem forandrer seg ikke så mye på mange år.

for å få godkjendt bilde av kidnapperen og barnet / barna , må en godkjent politi atest sendes til