Macomb Pets

Macomb Pets is a N/A group. It is a CLOSED group. There are 76 participants in that group. So people rank it like a Tiny group. You can find this group by searching 650816715023386 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. Last update is on 2015-03-07 20:11:02.

Pets for sale in Macomb county, MI

1. Pets cannot be sold unless 8 weeks old

2. You can post rescues, businesses and anything pet related. Please keep the reposting to a minimum

3. If you have proof of bating or bad breeding conditions please message an admin and we can flag the person

4. No bidding. Must post price, location, and all information as to breed, if shots were completed, vetting and if registered or had papers.

5. Question is considered interested. If you're following all the rules for description people who are interested should only be commenting.

Any questions or concerns please contact an admin