‫سنڌ جا رنگ çöĺöüřş öf şíñđh‬

Persian is the main language of ‫سنڌ جا رنگ çöĺöüřş öf şíñđh‬ facebook group. Having alot of group type in Facebook: close, open and secret and it is a CLOSED group. There are 1,445 participants in that group. So people rank it like a Medium group. You can find this group by searching 702489089792090 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. Last update is on 2015-02-26 20:43:06.

سنڌ ڌرتي هزارن سالن کان آباد آهي هتي جا ريت رواج اڄ ڀنھنجيي اصل حالت ۾قائم آھن هتي جا ماڻھو خوش اخلاق،مھمان نواز،زندھ دل آھن
ھن گروڀ کي ٺاھڻ جو مقصد سنڌ جا رنگ دنيا جي اڳيان اجاگر ڪرڻ آھن ۽ اھو ٻڌائڻ آھي سنڌجا ماڻھو پنھنجي ثقافت ۾ رھندي سائنس جي دور ۾ دنيا سان گڏ پير پير سان ملائي ھلي رھيا آھن
The land of Sindh is settled since Thousands of years.here is Parctices is still in its original condition,the peoples of Sindh have Hospitality,Courteous,Decent and Pleasant
The Aim is create of this group for promote the Culture and Colour of Sindh infront of world and peoples of sindh running with modern world in every steps within own culture