70s Bikers Old School

70s Bikers Old School is a N/A group. It is a CLOSED group. 70s Bikers Old School has 2,009 members. So people rank it like a Medium group. 302392036585830 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. We last updated on 2015-03-20 06:38:52.

If you are not approved to join us it is probably because you have no information to see you or your likes on your page. (70s BOS. UK) Please we like to have a picture of you with your Bike. Past or present..
If you remember Mad Max, "Leader Of The Pack". Funky Moped. Queen. Status Quo. When you could fix your bike on the side of the road.
A leather Jacket cost as much or more than your Bike. Nights in white Satin was the end of a good night out.
You spent hours studding up and collected badges for your cut off.
No such thing as a one way road.
you pulled the baffles out of your bike.
so much more then this page is for you.