NATURAL ENERGY is a English group. It is a CLOSED group. NATURAL ENERGY has 916 members. So people rank it like a Small group. You can find this group by searching 794481940611725 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-01-16 22:53:05.

Welcome to the truth place. A place of strong and powerful and positive energy. A place of Revolution, in which it is a place where you stick it to the man basically. The world is a matrix, it is time to break the thing, truth here, is not noticed as the government likes to hold it and hide it. People in this group are aware, and knows what is going on. The world is a strange place indeed, and a dark strange place, that needs some light and good energy. It is beyond the boundaries and energies of the human mind. The truth is often misused and hardly recognised, which he is sad about, it is time to bring him out in the open. 'A lie can get around the world before the truth can get his pants on '-Albert Einstein