English is the main language of ACHIEVERS (A STUDY GROUP FOR CTET/PRT EXAMINATION) facebook group. It is a CLOSED group. They attracted 9,580 members. So it is a Large group. You can find this group by searching 206847886147742 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. 2015-02-24 08:53:08 is the closest date we have information about it.

Our aim is to help future teachers :)

Five Pro tips to crack CTET-

1=> Know yourself: Solve the last year question paper
and assess your strong and weak areas. This will
help you prioritise

2=> Get the right books: Find the right books for
covering your subjects. Other than the textbooks,
one recommended book for test preparation is
CTET Central Teacher Eligibility Test Success
Master Paper by Arihant Publications

3=> Summarise the course into 2 pages: Make
concise notes for each subject (no more than 2 or
3 pages) highlighting the important terminologies
with a different color. This will help you in
revision and prepare you to answer factual
questions in the test.

4=> Know your speed: Block 2.5 hours time and solve
atleast 3 Mock Tests or previous year question
papers. This will help you increase your speed

5=> Get some rest: Take adequate rest before the
exam. Study hard but don’t panic. Remember,
there is no substitute to hard work and a relaxed

All The Best