Advanced Parole

Advanced Parole is a English group. Having alot of group type in Facebook: close, open and secret and it is a CLOSED group. They attracted 1,582 members. So it is a Medium group. You can find this group by searching 1445044982379163 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-01-10 03:19:11.

This group is intended for us to share our experiences or assist each other as we apply for Advanced Parole. Feel free to add others who you believe could benefit from the information posted. Also do discuss AOS with AP through DACA, something many people are thinking of doing. Thank you.

DISCLAIMER: Any information shared by any other member of this group, via this group, is not meant to serve as a substitute for legal advice that you may receive from an attorney. However, we understand that some applicants do not have the funds to seek an attorney. Therefore, we hope that what we do share may be of some use to you and our supporting information is entirely FREE.
DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD: La información compartida por cualquier miembro de este grupo, por medio de este grupo, no tiene la intención de servir como un sustituto de asesoramiento legal que usted pueda recibir de un abogado. Sin embargo, entendemos que algunos solicitantes no tienen los recursos para buscar un abogado. Por lo tanto, esperamos que lo que compartamos pueda ser de alguna ayuda para usted y nuestra información de apoyo es totalmente GRATIS.