Birmingham Airport Photography (BHX-EGBB)

Birmingham Airport Photography (BHX-EGBB) is a English group. It is a CLOSED group. They attracted 699 members. So it is a Small group. 484191464971357 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. Last update is on 2015-01-19 15:44:03.

Disclaimer: This is an unofficial group not officially connected with Birmingham airport PLC or any of it's subsidiaries. It is placed here solely for your use in sharing knowledge. While we believe that all information is accurate to the best of our knowledge, by using this group, you agree that you accept full responsibility for your posts. Any opinions in this group are not necessarily the opinions of Birmingham airport.

If you have any interesting news/photos about BHX or indeed anything aviation related then feel free to share it with us as i'm sure we would all like to see it.


1 No racism or bullying.
2 No posting photos of Medivac flights unloading.
3 No using other people's photos without permission first!

Doing either of these we result in you being immediatly removed from the group.

If you have more than one OTT (Over The Top) photo then please create a folder for them do avoid spamming people with notifications.

Also we do not accept NOTAM's as this has nothing to do with the subject of 'Photography'.

We will now however accept due lists as long as they are special visitors or diverts etc so the rest of the group know if something out of the ordinary is coming in.


Admin team members,
Jonathan Dowson, Matty Waudby and Sandy Tweedie.