Branchburg Mom2Mom

N/A is the main language of Branchburg Mom2Mom facebook group. Having alot of group type in Facebook: close, open and secret and it is a CLOSED group. They attracted 852 members. So it is a Small group. You can find this group by searching 828801517160512 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. 2015-03-22 02:45:36 is the closest date we have information about it.

Hi Everyone and welcome to Branchburg Mom2Mom.

This page is for local moms/dads/friends to bounce around ideas and local events, ask advice and inform us of their business.

Any posts made with negative comments directed to or about an individual will be deleted in full. So, if a topic is posted and someone in the thread makes a negative comment about an individual, the entire thread will be deleted. This eliminates singling out comments made by individuals.

If more than one complaint is made about a thread/comment, it will be deleted.

Please, no fighting, no drama, be sensitive. If you don't have the same opinion about something written, skip it, don't make a negative post.

Please NO selling of items on this page. There are other local selling pages that this can be done on.

Any questions, please feel free to email me or just ask on the page. Again welcome and enjoy :)