Disc Golf Buyer Feedback Group

English is the main language of Disc Golf Buyer Feedback Group facebook group. It is a CLOSED group. Disc Golf Buyer Feedback Group has 4,089 members. So it is a Medium group. You can find this group by searching 534108923295214 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-01-16 23:49:05.

This group is to post your positive and negative feedback with the people you have dealt with on the facebook disc golf groups.

1) Only factual information is to be posted.
2) Swearing is not allowed. If you cannot express yourself without cursing, ask me to remove you.
3) If I delete your post, deal with it. If you message me complaining about it, I will tell you why I deleted it (if it were me) if you can't accept it, you may be gone.
4) Feel free to defend yourself or someone you know is a good seller/trader, just keep your comments "professional"
5) Use the search function, thats what it's there for.
6) If you have to question your post, this is usually a good sign to not post it.
7) please list which group your issue happened in in your OP please.
8) NO TROLLING of feedback. Feedback is an opinion and you have the right to express your opinion in a respectful manner. When it devolves into name calling and cussing, people will be removed without warning. End of story.
9) any questions, ask.