Face Painters' Gallery

Face Painters' Gallery is a N/A group. It is a CLOSED group. They attracted 3,452 members. So people rank it like a Medium group. You can find this group by searching 320446868015247 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-03-09 09:40:33.

//IMPORTANT: This group is for those who are in the face & body painting community/industry. We will not accept requests to join this group unless you are invited by another member, have at least 3 friends in the group and can show that you are directly involved in the face & body painting community/industry.//

WELCOME Face/Body Painters!!! Here's a group for us to share our work in order to inspire one another and be encouraged as well. Please be edifying in all that you post here. We all look forward to seeing all the beautiful creations.

What to post:

- Pictures of YOUR artwork (if the design belongs to someone else but you painted it, please tag or give credit to the appropriate person)

- Link to your business web site.

- Questions for fellow painters.

- Events in your area you are doing

- Job inquiries for others if you are not able to do a job (help a fellow painter out and they will surely do the same)

- Products you have for sale (as long as they are related to face/body painting, everything else will be deleted)

Thank you everyone and enjoy!!!