Postal Family

English is the main language of Postal Family facebook group. It is a CLOSED group. Postal Family has 2,733 members. So people rank it like a Medium group. 117378631664465 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. Last update is on 2015-01-11 12:08:04.

... Do Not ask to join, if you are not a Postal employee, please! I do ask for verification, if I do not know you.
... The Postal Family is open to all postal employees, including retirees and management. Members are Able and Encouraged to add other Postal Employees to the group.
... Members are also encouraged to post links, tell their favorite stories of the Post office, and ask questions that someone in the group may know.
... Please, DO NOT bring Politics, Religion, or other controversial subjects that do not pertain to the Post Office into this forum. We do welcome your triumphs, special requests, and other personal moments that you want to share with us as a group. We love our Postal Family and want everyone to make it their home.