YARDSALE MOHAVE VALLEY is a N/A group. It is a CLOSED group. There are 702 participants in that group. So people rank it like a Small group. You can find this group by searching 508042335901148 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. Last update is on 2015-04-03 12:34:33.

YARDSALE a place to sell your stuff. This is an open group please feel free to add others. If you are out of the area, you can ship your items but you will be responsible for the payment and shipment process, this is just for postings of items for sale.
There are other groups similiar to this one that have become closed so I thought I would start another one...Pretty much the same rules:

**Shop at your own risk. Don't give information to people that you don't feel comfortable giving. Meet people in a public place if you don't want them to come to your home.**

People may ask whatever price they feel is appropriate for their items. If you don't like their price or you know you can get it for less, you don't need to comment on the item.

You may only post or bump an item once per day. NO WEAPONS may be posted. NO ALCOHOL may be posted.

Warning: If admin gets notices that you are not showing up for scheduled meetings, you are arguing with other group members, or causing problems, you may be removed from the group permanently.

Thank you and happy bargaining!!!