Morrow County, Ohio - FOR SALE, WTB, TRADE!

English is the main language of Morrow County, Ohio - FOR SALE, WTB, TRADE! facebook group. It is a CLOSED group. They attracted 5,716 members. So people rank it like a Large group. You can find this group by searching 153455211403497 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. 2015-01-12 04:57:14 is the closest date we have information about it.

A platform for all Morrow County Residents to offer goods and services (or look for goods and services).

Note: If you have an obscene or inappropriate profile pic you will not be accepted and / or will be removed from the group. Once you change your profile pic you may ask to join again.


Use Common Sense when posting and don't forget to include a price.

It is suggested that you ask others to message you for your phone number rather than putting it out publicly.

Do not post any adult items...they will be removed and you will be removed if you do.

Please do not post items that could be dangerous to a person's health and well being. If there is any "evidence" that an item could harm someone, then your ad will be deleted. Do not repost.

Items may be for sale or trade or wanted to buy.

You may also post for services such as photography, landscaping, etc.

Only 1 bump allowed per 24 hours (1 day). Any others will be deleted and members who problematically bump will be removed.

Please delete your post when your item sells or service is no longer available - if you don't know how to do this then message me. Any member who regularly does not delete their sold listings will be removed.

I will periodically review and delete any that are posted multiple times too...if you want to move it to the top, just comment on it in some way.

If you want to keep track of an item that someone posted just click subscribe (next to like and comment) and you'll get email updates on it.

If you have more than one item for sale or multiple pics of an item please put it into an album on your profile and then link it here so that the wall is not filled with pics by one person. Multiple listings of single pics from a single member will be deleted.

Off topic posts will be deleted. Off topic posts are posts that are not related posts that do not have anything for sale or trade or wtb and do not list a service that a member is providing. Contests, links to news articles and such will be deleted.

If there is a problem post or member please tag Emily Honaker LeVan as a comment to the thread so that it is brought to my attention.

Ads / posts older than 30 days will be deleted unless bumped.