Moxie Moms- Victoria, BC Moms with Babes born in 2012

English is the main language of Moxie Moms- Victoria, BC Moms with Babes born in 2012 facebook group. It is a CLOSED group. Moxie Moms- Victoria, BC Moms with Babes born in 2012 has 421 members. So people rank it like a Small group. 162586990538763 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. Last update is on 2015-01-28 19:25:08.

This group was started in May 2012. It's for moms in Victoria with babes born in 2012.

Please see the pinned post for links to more groups (2010-2015).

To get a feel for what this group is about check out the "No More Mommy Wars!" photo shoot over 30 of the Moxie Moms took part in in Oct 2013:

This is a SAFE place to share your ideas and questions- some of us vaccinate, some don't, some of us co-sleep, some don't, some of us work outside of the home, some are SAHMs... for all our differences 100% of us want the very best for our babes. This is a Judge-Free Zone :)

If you're new here be sure to check out the Events section for upcoming get-togethers and the Files section for info being shared. Be sure to introduce yourself!

Please share whatever moves you: Ideas for get togethers, articles, events, questions... or just get some complaining off your chest if you need to ;)

Please take care to be sensitive in your posting and commenting. I can't think of an out-of-bounds subject, but be mindful that many of us are pregnant/new moms and gentle communication is much appreciated. There are topics we will disagree on and that is to be expected and welcome (there are as many ways to parent as there are parents!)- just try to remember that everyone here is a part of your community and that some topics will take more care than others.

A Few Rules (here's where I'm the heavy ;)):
- I like to think of this group as a group of friends. As such:
- as stated earlier, this is a SAFE place to share ideas. We don't all have to agree but let's converse with respect.
- no selling- there are great fb pages for selling e.g. VarageSale- if you have a $1000 stroller that you want to gift someone in the group by all means let us know ;) but for general selling, please refer to other pages
- no business promoting- if you'd like to promote your business please feel free to add your business to the Business Directory in the Files section (I'm also thinking of having a post once a month or so where you can promote your business in the comments so look out for those). If you want to let us know about a great deal floating around or if you want to see if people are interested in your service that is usually fine, but please think of this group as a bunch of friends as opposed to business prospects.
- no "please vote for me" posts

Posts and comments that do not observe our "Few Rules" will be deleted.

Any questions please feel free to pm me.

If you know moms with babes born in 2012 in the Victoria area please invite them!

Thank you!

Keep up the great work moms!
~ Shauna Stewart Douglas