Community of Hope for recovery from M.E. / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

English is the main language of Community of Hope for recovery from M.E. / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome facebook group. Having alot of group type in Facebook: close, open and secret and it is a CLOSED group. There are 571 participants in that group. So people rank it like a Small group. You can find this group by searching 748104261927144 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-01-15 18:23:12.


The Community of Hope aims to promote hope that recovery from M.E. and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is possible. We know because we have recovered ourselves and now have a passion for trying to bring hope to others!

What it’s not:

The Community of Hope is not a “support group” in the traditional sense. It has a different focus, emphasis and membership than traditional support groups. Reading the rules should help you decide whether this group is for you. This group is not intended to replace support groups which bring great comfort and help to so many. It is offered as an alternative for those looking for something different.


The membership of this group includes both those who have recovered completely, those who are on the path to recovery and those who are looking for their route to recovery from M.E. and CFS. Even if you feel really hopeless about your chances of recovering we would encourage you to join – we felt that way once too! Carers and family members of those affected by M.E./CFS and anyone else with genuine interest in supporting peple with these conditions are also welcome.

How you can help:

If you like what we are doing then please share the link or use the share button. Feel free to recommend friends to join. We would love this group to benefit as many people as possible and we can only do that if people know about it.

“The Rules”

We encourage members who have recovered to share their stories. Please see the “Pinned Post” once you have joined for some pointers on how to share recovery stories.

Please keep all posts respectful to other group members and to their stories or experiences. Anyone not abiding by this will be blocked from the group.

This means keeping an open mind when hearing other people’s stories. Sadly most people who have experienced M.E./CFS will usually have been on the receiving end of people who do not believe they are ill. Having people not believe what is so real for you can be very hurtful so please remember how this can feel and refrain from challenging other people's experiences and stories even if you may find them hard to believe.

This is not the place to criticise any particular approach or question the diagnoses of others but a positive place to share and inspire one another. If you disagree with certain approaches then there are plenty of other places online where your views can be aired.

We discourage excessive discussion of symptoms, not because there is anything wrong with doing so but because this group has a different focus. In order to stay true to the vision and aims of this group it is important that it keeps a hopeful recovery focussed emphasis.

This group will not be right for everyone so if you don’t agree with the rules then that is fine. It is likely to indicate that this may not be the right group for you.

Thanks for taking the time to read this