Nikon Best Shots

Nikon Best Shots is a Romanian group. It is a CLOSED group. Nikon Best Shots has 4,499 members. So it is a Medium group. You can find this group by searching 543081139056373 on Google, Bing or Yahoo. We last updated on 2015-01-07 08:59:10.

Bine ati venit pe grupul de fotografie Nikon Best Shots!

Ne bucuram ca v-ati alaturat grupului si ne intereseaza sa impartasiti cu noi pasiunea pentru fotografie.

Ce ne dorim sa obtinem impreuna din acest grup:
- sa invatam impreuna cat mai multe despre fotografie
- sa ne motivam sa evoluam prin concursuri de fotografie, premii, dar si critica constructiva
- sa ne expunem cele mai bune cadre ale noastre si sa ne punem creativitatea in miscare

Participarea voastra in grup este importanta, insa doar atata timp cat este facuta intr-un mod prietenos si benefic acestei comunitati.
Critica este considerata constructiva - asigurati-va ca o puteti suporta inainte de a va alatura grupului :)

Acestea fiind spuse, va rugam sa cititi si sa respectati regulile afisate in pinned post. In caz contrar, fotografiile voastre pot fi sterse din grup.

Informatiile pe care le veti gasi in pinned post, acopera urmatoarele:
- detalii si reguli despre concursul jurizat cu premii
- detalii si reguli despre concursul de popularitate
- informatii despre sponsorul grupului, firma AME design
- reguli de participare si postare in acest grup

Va multumim! Sa aveti lumina buna!


Welcome to the photography group, Nikon Best Shots!

We are happy to have you here, among our group members and we'd like you to share your passion for photography with us.

Here's what we'd like to accomplish together with this group:
- to learn from one another as much as we can about photography
- to motivate ourselves to evolve by participating in the group's competitions, but also through critique
- to share our best photographs and to put our creativity to work

We value your input, but only as long as it is friendly and of a benefit to this community.
We consider critique to be helpful, so if you cannot take it, don't join us

This being said, kindly read and respect our rules which can be found in the pinned post. If you do not, your photos might get deleted.

The pinned post covers the following:
- details and rules about the juried competition, where you can even win a prize
- details and rules about the popularity contest
- information about the group's sponsor - AME design company
- rules on how to post in this group

Thank you! Enjoy!

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