Plum Paper Planner RAK Fans

Plum Paper Planner RAK Fans is a English group. It is a CLOSED group. There are 444 participants in that group. So people rank it like a Small group. 330778883751178 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. 2015-01-22 16:03:17 is the closest date we have information about it.

Welcome to the RAK Group for Plum Paper! What is a RAK? A RAK is a Random Act of Kindness :-) When you become a member of this group, send a message to Selima Garris or Ashlee Blair with your address and I'll store it in a document. Anytime you want to send someone some small random act of kindness, send me another message requesting how many addresses you would like! RAK's have been:
- washi tape samples
- stickers
- supplies you are no longer using
- Pens
- really any planner supplies :-)

Each RAK can be something SMALL. It does NOT have to be elaborate. It can fit inside one regular size envelope. If you want to send something elaborate, that is totally up to you but it is definitely NOT required :-)
The point of this group is to send happy mail to make someones day a little brighter!

Happy Planning!