Budgie breeding, health and care

Budgie breeding, health and care is a N/A group. It is a CLOSED group. There are 1,530 participants in that group. So it is a Medium group. 583330741788898 is the identifier of this group with Facebook. We last updated on 2015-04-02 03:06:46.

Welcome to our group all about Budgies! Please feel free to add photos, ask questions or advice and join in our conversations. A lot of us own other types of birds aside from Budgies, please share those pics or questions to our group as well.
Admin takes no responsibility for the behaviour or opinions of other members, however rudeness, targeting others or anything that I feel is bullying will not be tolerated. Anyone can message admins (Kristal Ballard and Allie BirdLady) anytime with concerns regarding the group or other members and we will do our best to sort problems out.
We are lucky to have some very experienced and knowledgeable people in our group, who are able to help with a lot of different topics.

Please read and follow our GROUP RULES:

Post and Comment in ENGLISH only.

For Sale posts allowed only with permission from admin

Group and Page shares only allowed with permission from admin

No bullying - even if you don't agree with another group member, try to keep your cool and give helpful suggestions. This may be hard to do, especially when the subject of the bird's health and care is in question but chasing off members by mistreating them will not help the birds.

No sending personal messages asking Budgie related questions to admins or other group members without their permission. Try to keep all activity in the group rather than PM.